Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fashion Illustration Inspiration

I just loooove art. I love art in movies, in music, and of course, on paper. Lately I have felt that I should paint something again. So today I took my watercolour from my closet, and started painting. This is how it turned out :)


Saturday, April 26, 2014

My guinea babies!

I was playing with my baby guinea pigs all day. I love them so much! They're actually no babies anymore.... But every cute thing is a baby, right?

So that means Josh Hutcherson is a baby?

That is just so messed up...
But he was a baby once... so that makes sense!

Now here's some pictures of me with my guinea pig Nami.
I'm so sorry but I couldn't get any good pictures of me and Ninja because she didn't want to sit still (she is so wild :D)

She is just adorable :3


Perfect people are just boring

I know we fangirls often say that perfect boys only exist in books, but you know what?
There are no perfect people, not even in books.
Think of the last book you read. Did the guy you thought was perfect have any flaws? Yes (If it wasn't Edward ya know).

Perfect people are boring, and that's why authors always give their characters flaws and imperfections. But real love is when you start loving those beautiful flaws in another person (If you think Peeta is perfect you probably just love him like I do XD).

Flaws make us human! Do you want to be an alien?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
 I want to be alien too.

See ya soon!!

Painting faces

I love face painting. It's so fun :D
Actually, I love all kinds of painting. Painting on paper, on faces, on my hands, on my friends' hands, on the walls... Yeah, I kind of like art.
I am an artsy person, You know, creative. Byee!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Being a bookworm

What is your favorite book?

I not only have one favorite book, I have a thousand. All books that leave a mark in me are my favorite books, because it's those stories that stay in my thoughts for ever. I can not pick a favorite person, and it is just as impossible to choose a favorite book. It's like choosing between chocolate and a good movie. Impossible! I want chocolate because I simply love sweets, but I also love movies. I don't want to pick just one :D

I love stories. I love to read. I love to just move from one place to another just by flipping pages in a book. I am a bookworm. I am a fangirl. Yay! Another fangirl blogger ruining your life XD

Hope you have an awesome week!

If you want to be an elephant, then nothing can stop you from being an elephant!

Hello again! I have struggled whole my life with low self confidence, and I have grown up to be a confident teen who knows how to party! I know how to fail and succeed. I know what I need to do to be happy when I'm sad (I have lots of Disney movies).So now I'll teach you (yes, you!) How to get good self confidence.


Eat a lot of junk food!!
NOnonono. I was just joking. Eat healthy food like carrots and apples and...
What I was going to say is that you should get to know yourself.
 Take out a piece of paper and write down ten good qualities you have, then five bad things about you next to the first list. Then you should look at both lists and think about what qualities you can develop, both positive and negative. You must learn to accept each side of yourself.

 Start giving compliments to other people. Accept them and they will accept you. If others like you you will start to like yourself. They will remember you as a nice person, and it does not take long until it starts to rain compliments on you. 

 Just be yourself. You know what you like and do not like. Try new things and don't think about what others think. Instead remember that you have a chance to be happy, and you should take it!

 Follow steps one, two and three XD
(Sources: own experience :D)

I'm no psychologist, and I am very bad these things. I'm just an ordinary (but unique) girl who wants to share her own experiences of life to their fine blog readers.
Hope I could be helpful, and if not, you can just comment how bad my advice is. I want to challenge my self-confidence, so if you have anything negative to say, say it now :D

See what I did here, since I have just started being obsessed with the divergent-fandom, I just had to make four different steps. Because who doesn't love Four? 
Oh Tobias.... 
